You never realize what you have...

Jason has been gone for 4 days. While this is not a big deal for some women (wives of business travelers, military, professional athletes and astronauts) it IS a big deal for me. I knew that he had the conference for the last few months, but I never expected it to be this hard! When it comes to my job (part time childcare worker at my church), I'm pretty self sufficient, and I also take care of the house. Jason doesn't have a lot of responsibilities when it comes to the house, so I wasn't worried about 5 days without Jason. I knew I would miss him, but I wasn't worried about things running smoothly...

I was wrong.

So, Jason always gets the kids loaded in the car with all their belongings and all buckled in their seats...

He also takes care of the dog. Feeds, waters, moving her from kennel to outside to inside to kennel, he also just loves on her.

He also helps with dinner dishes, especially after a special dinner when I'm really tired from cooking. That man loves how I cook and knows how I hate dishes, he knows how to keep me cooking!

And perhaps the hardest thing for me is the fact that he makes sure the house is shut down at night. Lights off, doors locked, temperature set, kids are safe, fan on, baby swaddled, etc. He makes me feel safe. I know the house is secure when he comes back to the bedroom.
I need to say thanks more. With him gone, the house is a mess, we're always running late and I am pooped! He comes home in 22 hours... so close! So, so close!


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