
Showing posts from November, 2011
Charles Devan Clark Born at 3:53pm on 11/16/11 7lb 15oz 21 inches long Perfection.

Bailey at Four

Bailey is adorable. She's funny and sweet and makes life fun. She is now four, and for some reason, the last 3 months, that adorable, sweet girl has lost all self control. She knows that she shouldn't do things. She's bright. But she just can't tell herself no. In the last 3 months she has... 1. Smeared toothpaste all over her walls and herself. 2. Drawn all over her brother and room with a marker. 3. Painted Dana's futon and Caden with fingernail polish. 4. Snuck scissors into her bed and cut her hair off, cut up her new swing and new blinds. 5. Poured Gold Bond all over the master bathroom including on the toilet paper... 6. Hid a tube of my acrylic paint under her bed until nap time when she smeared it all over her freshly painted walls, new bed set and herself. 7. Wrote all over her bed, walls, floor with chalk. So, I know it sounds like I just sit around and let her run around unsupervised to be able to pull all this off, but she's so fast! We'll spen

Wait, what? It's November?

 Well, it's finally November. November is the month I've been waiting for since February when we discovered we would be a family of five. I love being a mother, being pregnant, however, is not quite so much fun. Bailey and Caden's pregnancies were both relatively easy, this one has been completely different. More sickness, more blood pressure problems, I was put on restricted activity and have had lots of pain, especially in my hips and shooting down my legs. It's not been an easy road. But there is one thing that I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it will be worth it. Holding Devan will be one of the sweetest moments in my life because it was such a long road. I am currently 39 weeks along and have a planned induction on November 17th but I am hoping and praying (and praying and praying) that I go naturally before then. Besides being very pregnant, we have also been very busy. I've never been a huge fan of Halloween, I don't like dark spooky things or