Down Again...

Last Saturday, Jason and I went to a house warming party. The host and hostess and a "cat" like thing named Turkey. This is a picture of their "cat" climbing on their stuffed wolf. They are a delightfully
entertaining couple.

As you can tell, Turkey is no ordinary cat. He is hairless. Jason and I are allergic to cats, but we thought that because Turkey was hairless, we wouldn't be allergic.
We were wrong.
We both left a very fun party with watery eyes, sneezing and wheezing. It wasn't pretty. Well, we expected to feel fine the next day after a shower and some allergy medicine.
We were wrong.
I realized my wheezing wasn't going away, but it was Sunday, so we were busy and made it through the day. Monday was worse, Jason started getting really congested. Tuesday we both woke up with semi trucks driving on our sinuses. Jason stayed home from work which NEVER happens and I went to work in the morning and came home and crashed that afternoon. I could tell Jason was really sick because Jason didn't even read or play on his iPad, he slept and slept and slept.
Wednesday we were both home sick. We laid in bed and tried our best to take care of our three healthy children.
 Well, then it was Thursday. All three of our beautiful children were sick. Caden was vomiting and had a very high fever of 103. Bailey had congestion and a cough. Even little Devan had a cough! Jason went back to work because he just had to get stuff done and I got my sick tush out of bed to take my kids to the doctor.
Caden was pitiful. He threw up all over his shirt in the lobby and then fell asleep waiting for the doctor in the room. Poor little guy. The doctor said he had the same virus Jason and I had. There wasn't much they could do but they did do a CBC and test him for the flu and strep. Bailey was pitiful too.
After the doctor's appointment, we got the news that they both had strep, so they did get on antibiotics, but there wasn't anything the doctor could do for the respiratory virus. Even little Devan caught the virus, and he's been coughing. He's still so sweet though, he just sleeps and cuddles more.
So, now we're all home and trying to get well. Drinking lots of liquids, running the humidifier, taking antibiotics and fever reducers, using mass amounts of kleenex and watching lots of movies. But even when we're sick, we're still precious!

We have wonderful people thinking of us and praying for us. Dana brought dinner last night and a lady from church asked if she could bring dinner tonight. What unexpected blessings! So, even though things are gray, we still have reasons to smile and be thankful!


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