RSV (Really Stinky Virus)

Poor Devan has been fighting some congestion for a few days, so we took him to the doctor. Turned out he has RSV and Bronchiolitis. He has lots and lots of mucus in his lungs and it's making it hard to eat, sleep and breath. Poor guy. We took him back to the doctor for a follow up appointment yesterday and they gave him a breathing treatment and sent a nebulizer home with us and the poor boy gets breathing treatments every four hours. Luckily, I'm a nebulizer professional because Andrew had asthma growing up and I used to give him breathing treatments occasionally. So, now my little guy is getting used to the mask and we're praying that the medicine works and he starts to improve. Because he's sick we had to cancel Jason's birthday party... so now it'll be a quiet night at home. I don't mind that at all.


  1. oh little man! He is quite the trooper with that mask on. Brings flash backs of Andrew...go away RSV!


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