Day 1 as a Single Parent

Jason is off at a conference for a week in San Jose, CA.  He's learning all the newest information and technologies to help him do his job as best as possible. He is so excited, he says he can't wait to speak "SEO nerd" to everyone else. He is at THIS conference.
So, while he is having an amazing time in California, I get to experience life as a single parent to three. Well, on day one Bailey came down with a bulging ear infection and my trip to see Sarah in Little Rock was cancelled. So... woot. But, we did get her in to see the doctor and she has antibiotics, so she should be getting better soon. Caden also has a minor ear infection and Devan is still coughing from RSV (which is what the doctor thinks caused the older kids' ear infections).
Bailey does like to announce to anyone who makes eye contact that she has an "ear inception". She's gotten a lot of laughs for that, so I don't think I'll correct her until later on.


  1. You are going to miss that boy like crazy. I know I'm missing mine. We sure are pitiful!

  2. Yes we are. Us women with men in San Jose, we are a mess. If only we lived closer so we could meet for lunch and feel sorry for each other!

  3. i want to be hanging out with you!!! hope the rest of the week gets better. *hugs*!


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