I had a birthday... a month in a half ago

 So... I am now 27. It was a wonderful birthday, we had cake and presents and revealed the sex of our baby! It was very fun. Above is the cake that Dana ordered from my friend Michelle. The theme of the party was owls. Yes, I'm 27 and had a theme to my birthday party. I like owls.
Below is how we revealed the sex of the baby. We wrapped up a framed picture of the name we chose. We let Chuck and Dana open it.
 Chuck was really excited. Boy or girl? Boy or girl?
 It's a boy and his name is Charles Devan Clark. He'll go by Devan. Jason's full name is Charles Jason Clark, his dad's name is Charles Walter Clark and his dad's name is Charles Jasper Clark. We were excited to pass on the family name.
 Chuck was excited too!
 After the reveal we set up a little "It's a Boy" table with little outfits we had for him, Caden's coming home outfit to show how cute boy's clothes can be, etc. And there was a picture frame full of pictures of the 4 Charles' in our family.
 We were happy to get the news out and relieved we didn't ruin the surprise!
 Nanny was very excited we are naming our son after her late husband, her son and her grandson. She cried and Nanny never cries. It was a very sweet night.
 Dana had fun hosting the party and hanging out with her favorite girl. I just love this picture.
 I got a box of fruit snacks from Nanny. I LOVE fruit snacks. This gift made me smile, and model with my fruit snacks!
 Danae MADE me a soy candle! It was awesome and smells incredible!
 Silly boy! He was such a trooper, it was a really long day!
 Bailey  girl being adorable, as usual.
 These are pictures from a couple days ago at a football game. It made me smile. Thought I would share!

So, that's an update from August, but I'll do better. I'm on limited activity due to early contractions and high blood pressure, so I should have some extra time to update!
Love ya!


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