Jason's Father's Day Weekend

Friday Evening-
Jason returns from a hard day at work to find the entire house scrubbed and organized from top to bottom. I clean the house regularly, but I have not scrubbed every room including our bedroom (dumping grounds) in years, he was VERY pleasantly surprised!

Saturday Morning-
The kids and I wake up and make oatmeal pancakes, scrambled eggs and coffee for Jason while he sleeps in. We bring it to him in bed and we all sit in bed and watch Phineas and Ferb. He then gets his Father's Day gift on a veggie strainer he wanted and a box of Captain Crunch!

Saturday Afternoon-
Jason a long shower while I get the kids dressed after our lazy morning, then he takes them out to the front yard to play. Caden plays football, Bailey learns how to throw a frisbee.
We go to a birthday party for Bailey's friend and we eat way too much food.

Saturday Evening-
We leave the party and come home and make a Strawberry Pie to pay the babysitter that offered to watch our kids for pie! Jason and I went out on a date and saw X-Men and then met up with one of his friends for a late night dinner.

Sunday Morning-
We get up and go to church. Work in nursery where the kids make him a beautiful craft complete with cute hand prints.

Sunday Afternoon-
Meet with the parents at one of Jason's very favorite restaurants, StoneMill BBQ. We then went home with full bellies to do his favorite Sunday afternoon activity... NAP!

Sunday Evening-
Meet Jason's parents at their old house for one more dip in the pool before they close and sell the house on the 24th. We ate pizza and swam then headed home for popcorn and Star Wars.

My man got spoiled this year with a Father's weekend instead of just a day! He's worth it and completely deserved it! It was a fun weekend to spoil my man and see how much he appreciates every part of it!


  1. Sounds wonderful, and you're right. He deserves it!

  2. How great! Too bad we can't babysit for pie - you'd never have to worry about childcare again.


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