
Oh, it's all coming back to me now! Fatigue, aches and swinging hormones that can have me sobbing in a pillow one minute and dancing to Frank Sinatra with Caden the next minute. However, it hasn't been unbearable and I know that it will totally be worth it in November. I have been blessed with no real morning sickness and Jason is incredibly patient and helpful whenever I need him, I know I am so blessed.
We have an appointment on Tuesday, the first pre-natal visit. I'm really excited, I have the doctor I had with Bailey and Caden, so I'm already comfortable with her and know what to expect. Pray for safety for the baby (we're calling the baby "Baby D" because his/her name will probably start with a D) and patience for Jason and myself. Also lift up in prayer my friend, Jessica Dodson, who found out this morning she had a miscarriage, she was due the week before I am, so it's been a hard day, but she and her husband are such strong Christians and I know God will get them through this heartache.
He is Faithful.


  1. Prayers for Jessica! What a hard thing. But the Lord is faithful, and will walk with them through this.

  2. How exciting!! I'll be praying for Baby D, and for your friend Jessica.

  3. Praying for sad. Excited about Baby D!

  4. I guess I missed the Pregnancy announcement, congratulations!!

  5. Nice Christa i hope every thing is going well with you and the baby are helth.


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