
I realized that a lot of things make me laugh and I think I'll share some with you.

1. This morning I wanted coffee (I want it a lot but rarely actually make myself a cup). So, I ground some beans and realized that I ground enough for about 6 cups, so I made 6 cups of coffee so it wouldn't be too strong and had every intention of just drinking one cup. Well, 6 cups later I am so hyped up and jittery that I have done 6 loads of laundry, cleaned every room in the house including scrubbing the front bathroom tub (which really needed to be done!), I have also danced around with my kids, played "monster" which is extremely physically draining and I'm still going strong! While I would not suggest drinking 6 cups of coffee in one day, if you do, it can make you extremely productive! Just wait for the blog post when I crash tonight though, I imagine it's going to be pretty gruesome.

2. There is a game that I play on my ipod touch called "Words with Friends" It's Scrabble that you play online with people all over the world, or you can play with friends too. I play against Jason and my father-in-law Chuck. Well, today I realized that whenever I play a good word, I smack talk. Today I played a really good word and actually said, "Eat that, mtm1984!" Oh brother. I'm the least aggressive girl in person, but play scrabble online with me and I'm like "Bring it on Punk Wad!"

3. Whenever you give Caden something and ask him "What do you say?" He says very proudly "Thank You! You're Welcome!" It makes me laugh. He's such a cutie.

4. Yesterday Caden was being goofy and was saying, "Bad Grandma, Bad Bad Grandma" (I have no idea why). Well, Bailey didn't like that at all. She goes up to Caden and gets right in his face and say, "No, Caden. Grandma's not bad! Only Lions are bad!" I have no idea what is going on in that cute little head, but I love it!

That's it for now. I know there are more things that make me laugh, but I just realized I have to be at the church to work in nursery in 40 minutes and I look like a homeless monkey that just got hit by a semi-truck in a rain storm... gotta run! Don't want to scare the children tonight!


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