January 2011

It's been a beautiful month so far. We have enjoyed 2011, the kids are growing and keeping me busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way! Jason's sister asked for a new family picture, and I totally forgot, so we took one on our way out the door last Saturday, so now you can all enjoy the cuteness of my little family! :)Dana got Jason and Caden matching shirts for Christmas (kinda matching), and then Caden got some black shoes that matched Jason's Chuck Taylor's so, we got a father and son picture. They are the cutest! Two peas in a pod, I adore my boys.
Then it was time for a mother/daughter picture. Of course Bailey looks adorable and I look funky, but I'm used to that. :) That's what happens when you have beautiful children!
Another new thing we've been doing is playing hide and seek with the kids. We've done it quite a few times, but I finally got some pictures of it. The kids take it so seriously! They LOVE trying to find us! Bailey looks EVERYWHERE including in trash cans and the toilet, just in case Daddy decided to snorkel in the potty. Here they are trying to find me.

I was under the blankets on our bed. Look at my face. We take it very seriously. There are always roars and screams followed by lots of giggles when we are found!
Then it was Jason's turn to hide. It took them quite awhile to find him under the dining room table, Caden totally found him though! He was so excited!
Jason got new glasses. I think he's hot. He enjoys life being able to see street signs, menus and such. I married a stud. A very smart stud.
It snowed a couple days ago, which meant s'mores over the fireplace. Caden really enjoyed making them...

But he did NOT enjoy eating them. As you can tell by his cute little face. He took one bite, then was done!Bailey enjoyed making them AND eating them.
We are learning colors with Caden, so we had a green breakfast day. Green pancakes and applesauce! Bailey enjoyed the meal!
Caden did too!
Another exciting thing is that I received my diploma. There has been a special place reserved for it. We moved our thermostat a couple months ago and had a white spot in our wall with a hole and wires coming out of it. I didn't want to patch the hole because I knew that seeing it would be motivation to finish my degree so I could hang it up next to Jason's degree. This is the (hideous) before picture.

I was a little giddy framing it. It was real. It was official. I was done.
The beautiful after picture, we got matching picture frames and the hideous hole is covered and I get to see this every time I walk outside of my bedroom. What a great way to start the day! :)
Another good thing has been that I have gotten to Skype with my Granny multiple times this month. I highly recommend it. Oh, and I am now a redhead. I don't know how long it will last, but for right now, I am. This is my friend Julia, she did my hair. It was girl's night. It was fun!
So, that's it for now! Love to you all and a special *mwah!* to Granny and Grandpa Kelch!


  1. I miss you! Remember that time we did your hair freshman year? I would like to say I was just an onlooker that time.


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