So, everyone knows that I'm finishing up my college degree. It has been one of the hardest things I've ever done. It's exciting that I am so close. I am less than a month away from being done with my course work. I am currently in Philosophy of Christian Thought, Executive Development, Tennis and Aerobic Conditioning. It is pretty intense because typically you take one class at a time in this program and I am taking four. But it will get me done in December so it will totally be worth it!
Oh, have I mentioned that my family is coming in 17 days? Yeah... 17. That's a wee bit over 2 weeks which means that A. I am one happy girl. B. I need to clean my house. C. I need to read "To Kill a Mockingbird for the family book group. D. I need to find fabulous clothes for Thanksgiving dinner.
Bailey is growing so fast. She's started saying things that she hears like, "It's so good to see you" and "That's so creepy." She is so entertaining.
Caden is getting so big and has started showing a very slight interest in potty training. I just know that I'm going to let him call the shots. When he's ready, we'll jump in with both feet, but for right now we're sitting on the potty once a day, and he seems to be excited about it. He is also starting to talk a lot more, he just loves to copy things I say. He is also so into cars and balls right now. He is such a boy. I adore him.
Well, I guess that's about it. Special shout out to Granny and Grandpa Kelch, my blog's biggest fans! :) I love you both!
I have chili on the stove so I better run.


  1. Sound like a full life. I would be careful about jumping in with both feet to potty training. That could get messy! :)


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