Mouse Hunt

Two years ago, right as the Fall turned to Winter, we had a mouse problem. There were four mice, that we promptly trapped and got rid of. We thought the problem came from our house being abandoned for a couple years and that there wouldn't be a problem after we lived here for awhile and the mice understood that this house now belonged to humans.
Well, they are back. They are gross and they are back. I don't know how they are getting in, but we have caught 6. Some were fine, some were traumatic.
Well, now the only mice we have left are the brilliant ones. They snap the traps shut, then eat the peanut butter. Now, I am sitting here listening to a mouse munch on something very hard behind the trash can in the kitchen. I am beyond disgusted. My lovely husband does great at emptying the traps, but he is not able to defend me from these vial rodents while he is at work. I need a body guard. I need to make dinner and I'm terrified about going into the kitchen. There is one brilliant mouse left, a brave little sucker that eats a snack in the middle of the day.
I think I need to move.


  1. You should have kept your cat! That was our answer to mice on Carl Street. Even an outside cat!


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