Enhale... Exhale... Repeat

Life has been beautifully hectic lately. I love having lists of things to do and figuring out how to get it all done. Sometimes I do get overwhelmed, but for the most part, I enjoy the chaos.
So, I have a 2 year old who is all about learning new words, playing with his truck and has shown a slight interest in potty training. I have a three year old who is so curious, asks "why" about a thousand times a day, wants to help with every thing I do and is really starting to be helpful around the house. Being a mom is enough to keep my to-do list full, but no, I decided to be a full time student and volunteer Sunday mornings in nursery and work Sunday and Wednesday nights for some extra cash. It's been great. I did have too much on my plate while I was working part time at Target and my kids were in preschool plus everything else. That was too crazy. I'm not comfortable with my current state of craziness.
So, school has been a challenge. I had a plan. I always have a plan. But my perfect plan didn't work and my graduation in December looked like it might not happen. I was not excited about this at all. I was short one elective hour and after a lot of praying, crying and going back and forth about what I was supposed to do, God took the reigns and got my schedule figured out so that graduation is back on! I am so thrilled. I want to be done with this. I want to mark it off my list. I want Jason to know that I'm as smart as he is.
My family is coming in 20 days. I looked it up this morning and I haven't seen my parents in 309 days. I figured it out after listening to people complain that they haven't seen their parents in two whole weeks. Pish. Big babies. I haven't seen my parents in 10 months and 5 days, that's 44 weeks or 7416 hours! So, anyway. I am so ready for Thanksgiving. I want to hug my mom and dad for about 3 hours a piece, then talk for 5 days straight. We can sleep when we're apart. To explain how long it has been, here is a picture of Bailey last time I saw my parents.
and here is little Caden from last December...

and now Miss Bailey is so much bigger and SO much more verbal!

and Caden is taller, mobile and so funny with his understandings of the world.
So, just 20 more days and I will be living it up with my family, I can't wait. God is soooo good!


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