Valentines 2010

The we decided it was time to make a Valentine's treat. So Bailey and I made Valentines cupcakes. It was quite a process! We started with putting our hair back and donning our aprons.
Isn't she a doll?
Then we found a recipe and Bailey got the measuring spoons.
Bailey got to help dump some of the dry ingredients...
and she got to hand me the eggs. She was sooo funny, she loved every step and kept saying "I wanna help! I wanna help!"
Then it was time to blend, Bailey was a very good helper. She learned how to turn on the kitchenaide and watched it until it was smooth!
She even got a snitch when I was focusing on the camera...
She was a happy girl! I poured them into the cups, but she watched them while I set the oven.
One of my very favorite pictures of all time. She watched those cupcakes like a mama bird!
Then it was time for the frosting. Some butter, red food coloring, vanilla and a few pounds of powdered sugar later, we were ready to see how it tasted!
While all the exciting cooking was happening, Caden woke up from his nap. He got to open his card from Granny while Bailey was working on frosting. He took his job VERY seriously!

After dinner the cupcakes were cool enough to frost. I did the majority, but I let Bailey frost the cupcakes for our family!
Then her favorite part... SPRINKLES! Caden was on hand to witness the excitement.
Finally, it was time to see if all our hard work would pay off. She blows on everything I give her, just in case it's hot!
Caden dove right in!
Delicious! He's never looked so good in pink!
Then it was time for deliveries. First, we went to Doug and Danae's to give them some of our treats.
Doug was super excited and brought Bailey upstairs to show Danae.
Danae loved them too!
After Danae and Doug we went to Jason's Aunt Karin and Uncle Darrell, then over to his parents' house. They were very excited!
It was a very late night, so Caden got cuddly when "Poppy" picked him up. He is such happy boy, even when he's sleepy!
Then it was time to go home. It was a great evening. Jason and I celebrated Valentines Day on Saturday and then on Sunday we had church. Here is our Valentines Picture for my mom, we're all in red! We took about 8 shots of this same pose, Bailey's face changes every time, Caden's didn't change a bit! :)
So that was it. It has been 6 years since Jason sent a quartet to my dorm room to sing to me on Valentine's day! I think that's why I love the holiday soooo much!


  1. I want cupcakes delivered!!!! I remember that quartet - and all the squealing that went on afterward!!!

  2. Such a fun time! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Okay, Bailey looks JUST LIKE YOU! Do you hear that a lot? Your kids are so stinkin' adorable!! What a fun day!!


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