Update from the C-larks

Yeah, I don't know what the title means, just trying to spice it up a little!
1. Caden is teething like crazy, he broke one way in the back of his mouth randomly and is still working on several in the front. It's been a rough couple weeks, but baby Tylenol and teething tablets have helped.
2. Bailey is learning sentences: "I want to color picture." "I want down please Mommy." "I hurt my head." Things like that, I think she's brilliant, personally!
3. Jason is still at Tulsa Websites and SEO Services, and they are having the best month they've ever had with a sale every week day in January! Praise God! Jason also did a sale, so that's a huge blessing!
4. Jason's sister, Jessica, and her husband Justin are moving to Blytheville, AR to accept a job. They accepted the job yesterday and Justin starts on Feb. 1! So, we are all hustling to get their house packed, cleaned, sold and find them a place in Arkansas. My job? Watch Hunter... a lot. But I don't mind, at least I don't have to load heavy boxes or clean carpets! :)
5. Our Community Group is starting back next week, we're doing a series that the whole church is doing together. Hopefully it will be amazing!
6. Our dog, Denver, is growing really fast and learning even faster. He still chews on things that he shouldn't but he's been way better at not peeing in the house or jumping on me or the kids, so we're pleased. We're hoping he can be that dog that we train really well and keep forever and the kids will love growing up with him.
7. My New Years Resolutions are numerous, but none of them are super strenuous. I've kept them so far, such has increase the organization in my life and lose one pound a week. I've decided to focus on what is going right in my little chaotic world, and that seems to be working very well for me!

I guess that's about it for now.

Love to all!


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