About time...

I thought it was about time to update. Why is this underlined? What is going on? Stupid blogspot.
Anyways, here is a picture of the kids and Jason looking at the fish at Bass Pro Shops where we went to get their pictures taken with Santa. It was a great Santa, but a horribly long wait and not a pleasant experience. If anyone knows of another free Santa, let me know.
We went to a retirement center to get the kids' pictures taken with another Santa, but he left 15 minutes before we got there. So we took pictures with Nanny. It was also during naptime... not my brightest move.
Here is my studmuffin in his Christmas outfit. I think he's just sooo adorable.
Anyway, other things that are happening-
We leave on December 24th at 6:45 am to go to Bozeman, MT for Christmas. I am TTTTTTTTTHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS EXCITED! I'm so incredibly ready. It's been a rough year and an even rougher couple of weeks. I'm ready to chill out on the couch and talk to my siblings, I'm ready to give my incredibly cheesy homemade gifts to everyone and watch them act like they totally LOVE it! :) I'm ready to eat dad's fudge (hint, hint) and watch my mom play with my kids. I'm ready to relax, completely relax.
Jason's job is going well, they have had several good contracts come through and are expecting to be able to give him a raise in the next 2 months. We're ready for that!
I'm still watching Annabelle and Archer, but today is my last day for awhile. I might watch them in January, maybe not. It's still up in the air. It's been a lot of fun, but they don't want Archer to take naps anymore and I don't think I can do it without a little break in the middle of the day. I'm pooped!
Anyways, that all for now.
Love to all.


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