
My wonderful children are growing more and more wonderful as each day passes. Bailey is quite the handful... she's discovered how to get caps off markers, how to get gum out of the wrapper and how to reach Diet Dr. Pepper cans sitting on the counter. Let's just say, I've been going nonstop, but she's worth it all! In the pic below I heard her start whining and found that she had climbed into Caden's walker all by herself... backwards. Once I started laughing she calmed down and decided to show off the yellow marker she had nabbed. Caden is growing too! He got his first hair cut, so he looks like such a gentlman now! He's oh so cute! He started crawling and is now working on walking. He loves to hang on to things (like the coffee table or a chair) and stand up, but he's not too sure about letting go anytime soon. He also has 2 teeth on the bottom and today we noticed 2 more coming in on top! He's been kinda fussy lately, but for a teething child, he's been superb!

Mom sent us a package of fall clothes and since it's been rainy and cool here for weeks, we decided to try them out and get a few pics. I love this picture, you can see his gorgeous eyes and see the beginnings of a full smile. He's so incredible!
Bailey wasn't too excited about the photo op, so instead of posing politely in the chair (as Caden did) she ran around the yard, so I chased her... caught her and taught her a lesson with my Tickle Monster Fingers!!!!

She is so cute when she runs away, she gets so excited it's like she's just going to explode! She runs and runs until she gets trapped in a corner or something, and then just giggles and giggles until you catch her!

Yes, my children are the most beautiful children on the planet. It's a fact.

So, that's it for the children. Here are some other things that have happened in my life:
1. My BFF, Sarah had her second child on September 15, Matthias Edward Pollack was born in Bethleham. Sarah and Matthias are doing well. Sarah's daughter, Hiba Michelle, is getting used to having a little brother around. I'm sure Bailey and Hiba will talk all about it when they come home in December.
2. Our church, The Church at Battlecreek, doesn't do Sunday school. They do small groups called, Community Groups. We were in a great one last semester, but it was just too big, so we decided to start a new one. We've had so much fun with our new group. We have 7 couples, which is PERFECT and really enjoy hanging out. We have all ages, which has been fun and I've really been impressed at what Jason can do when he's called to teach something.
3. God has been teaching us quite a few lessons lately. He's taught us patience with a teething child, He's reminded us of His grace when finances got tighter then they've ever been before, He's showed us Mercy through a new job and possibilities of others, He's taught us soverignty with the loss of our car and He's taught us faithfulness when things just kept breaking down (white car, lawn mower, dryer and my right knee!). There's a song on the radio now by Phil Stacey (I think) that talks about how hard it is to understand when bad things happen, how it can be from God's Hand, but the only thing to do is hold on because He's not shaking! We're holding on for dear life, that's all we can do.
Love to all!


  1. I love this post...and not only because of your cute kids. I love hearing how you are looking at things from God's perspective! We all need to do that daily! Loves!


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