Summer Fun

Well, summer is here and the camera is firing away at record speeds! Here are some pictures from the last couple days. We've been lucky enough to have Danae hanging with us so she's in some and behind the camera a lot too!
We went swimming for the first time in Chuck and Dana's pool for this summer. It was COLD! "Bless you baby!"
Such a stud.

Modeling her new swimsuit.

Isn't she just GORGEOUS?!?
Caden was braver then I was...
Dana got a new teeter totter for the kids, they LOVED it!

Nae and Cae.
Bailey and Caden bonding over their love of sticking things in their mouths.

I got a new hair cut!
He's such a clown sometimes.

Bailey's look that means "I don't care if you're taking my picture, I'm not taking this juice cup away from my mouth so there!"

She was being so goofy and would not let go of my hand!
We left Danae home with the camera and Caden, here's what we found on our camera upon our return.

Bailey's first snow cone at Shave the Planet in Siloam on our way to Sarah's baby shower.

Bailey and her accessories.

Sarah's baby shower...

It's been a fun and very busy couple days. I'll update you on more later, but for now, I'm off to bed!
Good Night!


  1. love your hair!! joe said he saw a picture on someone's desk at the hospital and it looked just like Bailey...I think he said something about it - but it was someone there's kid. miss you!

  2. I love the pic of B&C on the teeter totter! Too bad Bailey doesn't really like it!

  3. My uncle works at an indoor waterpark near tyler -! It isn't huge or anything, it is $20 for adults and kids under 2 are free!! We should go!!


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