It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

So, here are some more pictures that I love.
Here is the most beautiful girl to ever grace the planet. I love her so much! Here she is soooo tired, we're driving home for nap time. This is her "please put me to bed" face. Here are my boys. I love them too!
The kids are so cute because they're starting to interact with each other. It's sooo fun to watch!
I love Caden's face in this one! It just makes me smile, every time!
Caden laughs more then any other baby I've ever met. He brings such joy to our lives!
Here is a continuation of Bailey's obsession with sunglasses... I finally got her a pair today (pictures coming later of that!)
I LOVE this one! My beautiful children, best buds already!

Bailey, thinking really hard about... something.
My happy boy, he makes me smile no matter how crummy I'm feeling!

Bailey does my hair... yikes.
I love this one too. She's such a good model!
Bailey is very good at giving kisses!

My arm workout for Tuesday...
We figured out how to use the timer! A family picture on the blog! What a concept!
Bailey enjoying her present from Grammy, 2 videos!

And she got a package from Granny Kelch on the very same day! Cookies straws! Oh... she loves them! (and I might have sneaked a bite, they're pretty yummy!)

One of new favorites of Caden.
Bailey, in her tennis outfit, in honor of Grandma and Poppy's love of Tennis!
"So when mommy says, Quit making all that racket, this is what she's talking about?"
Watch out, Wimbleton!
Where's Bailey?
Caden showing off his new trick, sitting up! (it's never for long, but he's getting the hang of it!)
My boy.

Tummy Time!
Jason got Bailey a little golf set... she loved it! But wasn't quite sure how to get the stick to hit the ball...
Playtime outside in his bouncer.
He's a very busy man!
If tennis doesn't work out, there's always golf!
"Just my size!"
My busy B. On the phone and doing her hair!
Isn't she priceless?
Oh, and meet our friendly backyard bunny. He's always around and so we thought we'd get a picture, he's a great model! Didn't move an inch! :)

So, that's it for now! As always, there are more to come!


  1. Amazing photos...especially the ones of B doing her hair! She doesn't have much, but boy howdy, can she do it or what?!

  2. love the pictures...miss your family...but hopefully we can see each other soon... and we have some planning to do!!


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