Which baby is it?

Alright. So, it's very true that my children don't look a lot alike, but as Caden grows, I think he's beginning to look more and more like Bailey. I noticed this when I was looking through some pictures and had trouble telling who was who. So, let's play a game. Which baby is it?
1. 2. 3.



7. 8.




  1. Wow, that's a lot harder than I thought it would be. Here are my guesses:
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. B
    5. B
    6. C
    7. B
    8. C
    9. C
    10. C

  2. 1 The Peek a Boo Baby
    2 The Dimple Baby
    3 The Why Are They Making Wear This Hat Baby
    4 The Why Are The Lights So Bright In Here Baby
    5 The I Really Should Try A Pacifier Baby
    6 The I Like To Sleep With My Face Smashed Baby
    7 The I Hope I Don't Hit My Head on the Corner of that Table Baby
    8 The Look How Excited Dad Is I Was Born Baby
    9 The I Like To Sleep When Dad Holds Me Baby
    10 The I like To Sleep When Mom Holds Me Baby

    See, it's not so hard. Whatever!!

  3. Alright, Mom. 0 points for you.
    Jason, good job babe. You only missed 4!
    Doug & Danae, fabulous job as well! You got 50% right!
    Here are the official answers...
    1. Bailey
    2. Caden
    3. Caden
    4. Bailey
    5. Bailey
    6. Bailey
    7. Bailey
    8. Caden
    9. Bailey


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