A weekend away

We had a lovely weekend at the cabins with the Clarks and their small group. It was lovely! The weather had just enough chill in it to make the cabins extra cozy and everyone's cheeks just a little rosie. We played games, ate lots of food and just really relaxed. Bailey was so cute, toddling all over the place. She's quite the walker now. Since she's has walking down so well, we thought it was about time for her to learn another way of moving...

We really had a blast out there, here are some highlights.

Chuck taught Bailey how to play cards.

We played lots of ping pong. Jason and I both beat Chuck (which is impressive if you know how good that man is with any kind of raquet!).

Bailey discovere the wonder of a doorknob. Luckily she's not quite strong enough to pull open the door, but she sure was proud of herself!

Here's Bailey perfecting her new driving skills. Notice the placements of the hands, the eyes on the road, the seriousness in which she takes this new responsibility...
We went out to eat at a Mexican resteraunt for Donna's birthday.

Here's Donna with her celebatory fried cheesecake. That's my kind of way to celebrate a birthday!

And I also took a million pictures of the world's cutest boy. I thought you might like to see my new photo gallery of Caden pics. Here are just a few of my favs.


  1. Looks like fun. The photos of Caden are adorable, although I'm not really sure who he looks like. Definitely NOT Bailey! Only one more thing to say, you better not let YOUR grandmother see the video of Bailey and Jason driving! :)

  2. should she be in a moving car and not in her seat? i think brittany spears got in a bunch of trouble for that!

    and, you have some cute kids.

  3. We were basically on a kind of driveway with no other cars around and we only went maybe 100 yards.


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