How precious!

Sarah and Hiba came over for a visit. It was lovely to see them both!
Hiba and Caden got along very well! :) We're going to use this picture in their wedding powerpoint show. Yes, the betrothal is official, we just need to get Sarah and Jason a couple of goats and a good sturdy cow. She looks just like her dad, with her mom's eyes. Just gorgeous! She is so cute, and she and Bailey played very well together. It's nice that they already know who their best friend will be for life!
Caden, my model, working those blue eyes and his new puppy dog outfit.
Bailey in her chair, she had an entire meal of round things. Blueberries, Kix and peas! I don't think she realized the cuteness factor in the meal I prepared, but she did eat it all!
I LOVE this one!
"Look, bro, over there are all my toys. Someday you'll be big enough to play with them too, but for right now, you should probably just stick to your swing."
"Don't worry, mom, I got this all under control. You go take a nice hot bath and I'll watch the little guy."


  1. I told you, Hiba looks so much like her dad, but Steph just doesn't see it! She is gorgeous...and yes, maybe I think Jason is gorgeous, too! :)

  2. I miss you so much! I miss you more lately, I guess it is because I feel like you're one of the only friends that really understands where I'm at now. I can't wait to see your family! I LOVE Bailey's pigtails!!!


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