A Day in the life...

Here's a day in the life of Christa Clark. ! I start by getting the kiddos up and dressed. Bailey is wearing a new outfit from Grandma Clark! :) She's also talking on her cell phone at the table, where did she get these manners?! I just have so much to teach her!

Next, she has some play time with Dad. Jason and Chuck fixed a whole in the garage ceiling today (Chuck fell through the ceiling a couple weeks ago...). Jason took a break to play with Bailey and let her know what it's like being as tall as Chuck.

Then I stare at Bailey for awhile and wonder how I was lucky enough to be chosen to be her mom...

Then I do the same thing to Caden for awhile... so much cuteness in one family! What are the chances?

Then it's nap time and they both go down. Bailey in her bed, Caden on the couch with me. He falls asleep pretty quickly after I feed him, then I lie there and go through my to-do list until I fall asleep, or until the dryer buzzes and I go to fold clothes.

Then Bailey wakes up from her nap and it's off to play with her new Ball Popper from Aunt Karin. Oh my goodness, it's such a hoot to watch her play with that thing! She loves it!

"Look Mom, the balls just keep coming!"

Then Phil comes over for the evening and he does his Uncley duty by showing Bailey how to use a gameboy. Oui.
Then it's off to bed for the kiddos and off to blogging for me!
I am so blessed.


  1. What a great walk through your day! I know what you mean about so much cuteness in one family. You kind of have to feel sorry for the family's with ugly children, really. But then I wouldn't know anything about having ugly children!


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