And the Search Continues...

This morning, we went to Siloam to see my BFF Sarah! It was so great to see her and Hiba too. Oh yeah, and Jason was there. :)
It was so funny seeing Hiba because I've seen so many pictures of her that it was like meeting a celebrity! Sarah is doing great and seems to really enjoy being a mom. Bailey and Hiba were SO cute together. They talked and grabbed at each other's faces. It was precious. We also saw Abbi and her son, Micah. So there were 4 children all born within a year crawling around the Piston home. It was a busy place to say the least! We stayed for a couple hours then had to return home because Bailey decided to throw the fit of the century. She was just tired, but still!
When we got home the job search continued. I sent Jason's resume to Kentucky, Arkansas, Kansas and Montana! We also sent some to people in Tulsa, so who knows where we'll end up. (Well, Someone knows where we'll end up but He's not saying much at the moment. Trust is tough)
I need a hair cut and some high lights. Just thought I'd share. I saw myself in the mirror this morning and shuddered. My eyebrows have gone from facial features to mammoth monsters, the bags under my eyes could hold a turkey and my ears are just ridiculously small. I need a spa day, anyone know any spas that are free? :)
Well, that's it for now. Sorry about the little pity party, I just do that sometimes, but I usually get over it pretty quickly.
Love to all!


  1. Christa,
    You are really good at blogging. I am glad you are back at it, and it is nice to read about your day and your thoughts. Keep it up.




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