Trusting God in the good times is easy, natural, it just happens. He's taking care of you, so yeah, trust. No prob. What happens when he painfully rips you away from your church family, allows slander to come against your character and your husband and prevents you from obtaining your new home He promised you would have? Where's the trust then? Where is the trust when the waves are taller and the anchor seems so far away? That trust is where it's always been. In the arms of the Father, waiting for you to run to them, soak them up and bask in the warmth of who He is. He gives us peace, we trust Him. He gives us comfort, we trust Him. It isn't easy or natural, it fights against our inclination to always plan ahead, know the answers, prepare for what is coming. It isn't easy, but it is beautiful. "Our real identity is not in the Sin we battle, but in the Savior we embrace"- Rosaria Butterfield "Sometimes when you're in a dark place, you thin...