
Being a mom isn't easy. It doesn't come to you overnight, everyday brings new challenges, new questions, new concerns. Devan doesn't care if I'm tired at 5:30am and he's hungry. Caden doesn't understand why I can't get out of the shower to help him get his car from under the couch and Bailey wants to dance ALL the time. Sometimes, I can't dance. They don't understand why mom isn't on call to them all day, and it can be overwhelming.
Yet, this job is the ONLY thing I want to do. God made me to be a mom. He gave me big hips to hold my babies, long arms to cradle them to sleep and He gave me a huge heart with room for all of them. Having three children that are 4 and under is not an easy feat, but everyday is so full of adventures and surprises. Devan surprises me with how much he grows and how fast he is learning to make new noises and laugh. Caden is becoming very verbal and has an amazing sense of humor. Bailey amazes me with her compassion for those that need help, she's always ready to lend a helping hand. I may be tired, overwhelmed, and crumpled looking, but I am in love with this life God has blessed me with and so amazed that He trusted me with these three beautiful creations.


  1. Kids that are 4 and under is never easy.But it is a good thing that God is in control of everything all day. And when ever we need Him he is there. Bailey has a little part of me when I was her age I was just like her looking for something to help with even now I have a helping hart.


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